
"Sometimes it takes me 10 years to own something. It's like love. You want to let things grow on you."

Garance Doré


As spring starts its slow bleed, an air of frisking out and freshening up is sweeping through the nether regions of my realm. This metaphorical refresh has somehow found it's way into the deep recesses of... my hard drive. I rediscovered these photos yesterday while in the midst of a this spring cleaning i.e. digital organizational bonanza. I took them a while back of my Wee Abode in the forest at the request of the lovelies over at Design Sponge. While I was surprised and honored to have been asked to showcase my home for their blog, I never had the heart to send them, even at repeated reminders. I've been told I hold things dear to me at too precious a distance and perhaps it's true. There is something very personal and revealing about the space one inhabits on a day to day basis. Well, enough time has passed, I've rearranged my apartment a million and one ways since these photos were taken, (quite literally- I have a minor obsession with rearranging that, while exasperating to others, makes me purr with delight) and it's high time to let these air. xoxo!