

Clockwise from top:

Mary Sibande

via HAND/EYE Magazine

Mood Indigo - Nina Simone


9.23.2010 - Fall equinox and Full moon.

The light is pregnant with reflection.

A soft and sordid perfume hints the air.

Change is here, thick and dark as molasses.

Makes a girl want to hoot and holler and get real sticky.

We were hiding, and apparently very safe.

The vantage point from the perch was strange and glorious.

Everything seemed so far away and framed.

And yes, a bit cold and cruel at times, looking down from our perch.

The shedding was imminent but the process was ooeeee slow.

Painful really, coming in fits and spurts and all sorts of heel dragging upheaval.

Cocooned away like that in our box it couldn’t have been any easier.

Turns out the time has come to git down from this high up place.

But now we’re making honey money.


Photographs by Rainer Wengel.


When we get out of the glass bottles of our ego,
and when we escape like squirrels turning in the
cages of our personality
and get into the forests again,
we shall shiver with cold and fright
but things will happen to us
so that we don't know ourselves.

Cool, unlying life will rush in,
and passion will make our bodies taut with power,
we shall stamp our feet with new power
and old things will fall down,
we shall laugh, and institutions will curl up like
burnt paper.

D. H. Lawrence

care of Eve Elliot


Brimfield MA. 9/7/2010 – 9/9/2010

I lost myself wandering among the tents, sorting through copious mounds of vintage clothing, filing through rows of salvaged steel components, sidling among rows of train station benches, staring longingly at the perfect Danish industrial fixtures, and reveling in the chaotic wonder of it all.


Buck skull: (soaking in peroxide outside my front door.)

Guitar: (missing 2 strings, smells like old lady perfume.)

1930’s safety glasses: (at the opticians for some lens love.)

Bear skin winter hat: (pretty much perfect. bring it WINTER.)

Vintage silk slip: (can one ever have enough delicate silky things? i think not.)

Underwriters Laboratories portable lamp: (geek style illumination.)

Vintage L.L. Bean Blanket: (like I said, bring it.)